Choose between a wide range of attribution models to analyse your mix (position-based, Markov, Shapley, etc.).
With Easyence's location-based model, you can analyse your media mix more objectively and make more informed decisions.
Determine your attribution window, both globally and by channel, and assign weights, roles and priorities to each of your channels and stages of your journeys accordingly.
Integrate your online, offline and Walled Garden touchpoints.
Easily integrate your spend data (Facebook, Criteo, Bing, Awin, Kwanko, etc.) into the interface for cost reporting.
Save precious time in your weekly analysis with reports that automatically feed your BI tools.
Integrate the proportional adjustment of your consent rates with an "e-privacy compliant" solution and analyse objectively the performance of your mix.
When analysing the omni-channel journeys of your consumers, you can measure the impact of your online campaigns on in-store sales and vice versa.
Optimise your CRM and acquisition budgets by tracking and integrating your ROPO effect (Research Online Purchase Offline).
Calculate the omni-channel increment and analyse the conversion impact of each channel.